Singing Guide: The Gregg Allman Band

Singing Guide: The Gregg Allman Band

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Gregg Allman, you first need to understand his unique vocal style. He is a soulful blues singer who can convey deep emotions through his voice. Allman's signature singing style is marked by acrobatic vocal runs, dynamic phrasing, and a commanding delivery. But what makes his voice unique is the gravelly edge that adds grit and character to every note he sings.

To start imitating Allman's style, you must first learn how to perform vocal runs. To do this, you can use the Pitch Training tool provided by Singing Carrots. This game teaches you to mimic pitch and rhythm patterns which will help when attempting runs. Additionally, you can practice with the Chest Voice Explained video, which instructs on how to strengthen and develop chest voice recall.

Once you've mastered vocal runs, you can try to replicate Allman's phrasing by practicing phrasing with the vocal pitch monitor to ensure accurate pitch, and by utilizing the advice given in the Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking article on Singing Carrots. Allman's booming voice is fueled by a powerful breath that projects his sound across any room or stage, so it is crucial to practice breath support using the Farinelli Breathing exercise.

Allman's signature growls can be practiced by following the steps in the How to growl video. Additionally, he uses a technique called twang, which is believed to alter the resonance of the vocal cords, resulting in distinct vocal tones. The How to Twang video provides learners with the foundational skills to develop "twang" technique.

In addition to the technical aspects of Allman's vocal style, you should also prioritize understanding the bluesy and soulful foundation of his voice. This can be studied in more detail in Singing Carrots' Classical vs Pop/Jazz Singing article. Allman's iconic voice is also defined by his intimate and emotive performances, so a Singing Carrots video on stage fright will help you learn how to control anxiety and perform as fearlessly as Allman.

To complement your vocal practice, you can use the Song Book feature to find and practice songs that highlight Allman's unique style. Songs such as "Whipping Post," "Midnight Rider," and "Seven Turns" showcase his signature vocal runs and emotive phrasing.

In conclusion, there are many aspects to consider when learning to sing like Gregg Allman. It takes time and dedication to master his style, but by using Singing Carrots resources like the pitch training, breathing exercises, and video tutorials, you will be well on your way to emulating his iconic voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.